Psychology in general is a discipline that investigate the behavior and the mental processes like learning or memory in the humans and animals, for example animals behavior is estudied by "ethology". In psychology there are different currents, each with their own theories and methodologies, for example some currents are psychoanalysis, humanism, gestalt, and there are many more.
This is my third semester semester of psychology career and it has been a little difficult, but very interesting, I learned a lot and I have met many people. Some of the class that I have are neurophysiology, psychopathology, statistics, social psychology, developmental psychology, etc., are seven in total. My favorite subject is psychopathology because I thinks that is very interesting and the professor explains very well the contents and sometimes is funny, and the subject thet I don`t like is stadistics, because it has many mathematical and I hate mathematica, is very difficult for me.
In the future I will have to choose an area of work on the psychology, like educational area or in the clinical area, or laboral, etc., I still have not made that decision.
I thinks that psychology is important because it can help many people.

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