domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Memories of my childhood: "My favorite TV programme" :)

When I was a child, I loved watching "The Triplets", I saw every day before I go to school in the morning, I did not lose any episode of this funny series.
"The Triplets" is a cartoon series based on the stories created by Roser Capdevila, his characters were Ana (she wears colour blue), Helena (she wears colour green) and Teresa (she wears colour pink), also Witch Bored with her owl. Ana, Teresa and Helena were doing some mischief sometimes and the witch punished them by putting them in a story problem to solve and thus learn a lesson, they must help the characters of the story to solve your problems to continue the story until the end and so they may leave history, but the Witch Bored does not want that, she wants that the girls are trapped in the story and for this she makes some traps in the stories, but the witch was not really so bad, she wanted to learn and the triplets always manage to solve the problems.
This series was one of my favorites, among many others, but I enjoyed it because I really liked children's stories and would have loved to be inside one of them, and talk to the characters, help, play with them, etc. also always relayed before I went to school, so my morning was more entertaining , I never missed an episode.

3 comentarios:

  1. I never met somebody that see that program :'), It was so funny haha

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. it so cute "the triplets"!!! I will never forget that program :D
