jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Embarrassing moment!!! 

Well, I think all people have embarrassing moments in their life, but personally I don’t remember many of these moments, because it is probably that the best solution is forgotten (but sometimes, this memories are very funnies and when it's been a long time we can laugh about ourselves and the situations in the past, but only sometimes).
I remember when in the school, I think in 7° or 8° grade I was in class and I needed go to the bathroom, so I waited for the break and when the bell rang I went to the bathroom but when I came out of the bathroom and walk down the hall to the classroom I felt that some persons looked me with face of joke or laughter and I was thinking inside of me “this is so weird”, “what happens?” and I tried looked around me, maybe something would happen and I didn't know, so one of my friends coming to me and she said me “you have completely open the zipper of the skirt” and I wanted to died, obviously  I fixed immediately . It was a very embarrassing moment in my life, but now is fun xD.     

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