This is the video :D
miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017
viernes, 16 de junio de 2017
"English Language Challenges"
Woouu, I must admit that the post of the teacher inspired me
and made me feel better about the relationship between English and me and about
this year :D
Now, I think that English is a very important language for to
learn. In relation to my experience of learning English in the university,
incredibly has been very good, much better than in school, I had very great teachers
who have helped me learn in a fun and interesting way (although not always, but
most of the time jajajajaaja). I know that my level of English has increased in
this time, it is not the best neither is it a very high level jajajajajaja but
it has improved!.
I think that the use of the blog in the English class is
good and fun, it helps us to practice writing in English and also to read the
posts of the companions in English, but I think that it is important also the
topics on which we write, because if the topics are fun and interesting I think
writing will be easier, but if the topics are boring we may have more sleep and
it will be harder to write.
Mmm ... I think that
one aspect that I should improve on my English is to talk and practice with
other people (that's why I do not like to do video in English jajajaaja), it's
difficult for me sometimes to start a conversation with someone in English, I
think that also I need more confidence in myself, nerves are very bad sometimes,
but I must learn to control them.
In this last time I used English to listen music and watch
movies, and a bit to talk with friends who like English very much.
"Changes to my study program"
Hi everyone! Today I will write about changes to my study
program, so I think that big and significant changes have not been, only in the
infrastructure at the university, specifically in the Faculty of Social
Sciences and its surroundings, now we have a new building, I think that is for
post-graduate, but I’m not sure about that. On the other hand, maybe I change
internally (although I admit that in some moments of the academic year I put
up a little weight jajajajaja this is other change xD), many situations or
things of life took another meaning for me, new ideas, new goals, new problems
to face and new tools for this, sometimes I think it's fun to go back to the
past and remember the situations I've experienced.
Another important point for me and that has changed are my
friends, in university life you can makes many friends, but not all are really
friends (I hope that can be understood) even so, I am very happy because the friends
that I met in my first year of career are still there, although it has been a
long time, we continue talking, helping us, sometimes we have fun :D and
supporting us in our goals and situations.
In terms of teaching methods or teachers, I think I have very good teachers at this time and others not, I think I have learned a lot
from teachers who teach about life too, not just about a theory that we need to
learn for a test, but they explain and listen too, and they enjoy this. See
these differences, I think it can help me to teach maybe in a good way in the
future (if I need to).
jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017
Winter Holidays
Holidays”… sometimes this “phrase” or “name” sounds wonderful or something very
boring jajajjaja, many things influence the result.
On some
previous winter holidays with my family we traveled a lot to my grandmother's
house in the country, my mom doesn´t like the country but my brothers and my
dad love it, and I really don´t love it but I don´t hate it, I can bear it for
a few days jajajajja just to visit, but when we were childs (my brothers and
me) my parents thought it was the best place to go because there were animals,
we could run, play in a big place, trees, “clean air”, etc., and something very
important is that my grandmother cooked very rich things for us (okay, I admit that i love this jajajajaja) and when
we grew up, my parents started to bring us to the beach for a few days (yes,
they organized the holidays in generally) and it was very cold, so I don´t like
(I love the beach, but only in summer), and now we don´t have something totally
defined for this winter holidays, but personally, I think that is perfect go to
the cinema whit my friends, or go to eat, play bowling whit my brothers or a
party whit my friends, etc., things like this, I hate the lost time in
holidays, if anything else fails... see a movie in my bed :D
lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017
everyone! Today I will write about one of my favorites and important pictures
of my life <3
So, this
picture is about my dog and me, the name of my dog is “Kiara” she is a cocker,
is white with light brown spots, is 5 years old, she is very important for me,
is my faithful companion, we went running together, playing in the park, riding
a bicycle and more things.
I adopted
her when she was 2 months, she was in a kennel because it´s owner had abandoned
her and I really wanted her (she was the greatest of her brothers), so I speak
whit my mom about that and she said “okay, but it´s your responsibility and you
should take good care of her (This includes food, clean the poop, walks, vet,
etc.)....bal bla bla... and I said yes! So, Kiara was my partner <3
In the
family she is another member, they love her and it's really fun to watch the
expressions that Kiara makes when something doesn´t like or when she wants
something, she really looks human sometimes.
She loves
the sun and in the morning, the first thing that she makes is sit in the yard,
looking towards the street and take a sunbath, she loves the meat, especially
when we have barbecued lunch or put in your meal meat sauce, she loves to play
with balls (sometimes burst this) or with shoes. She is very special for me <3
jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017
sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017
Postgraduate Studies
everyone, today I will speak about post-graduate studies.
Honestly I
haven't thought about this topic whit clearly, I don´t known the differences between
university specialization courses and graduates or doctorates and master, etc.
but I know that I would like to continue specializing in the area of work that
I choose in the future (but not for long time). Obviously must be something related whit psychology
because this is my career and my studies, I like educational area of psychology,
but also the social area, and clinical area, forensic area, etc. So I think
that is very important to first make the decision about which area to follow
and specialize.
I would
like study here, in my country, Chile, because my family is here and my friends,
the customs are the same and the language is equal, I think it would not be so
difficult for me, although I would like to study outside my country for to know
other places, but only for a short time. I would need a scholarship to study a
postgraduate course because it is very expensive!.
I prefer to
study part-time because I can work and save money for to pay the studies
In general
I think it´s good to do a postgraduate, gives more opportunities to work and
have more money, but honestly it´s not my priority in my life, I don't want to
study all my life.
martes, 9 de mayo de 2017
My future job
Personally, I would like to work in various
things. When I was a child, I wanted to work in “Fantasilandia” for the only
reason of wear different costumes (this is a little embarrassing jajajajaja),
also I wanted be a nurse or veterinary, and others things (something like girl
dreams I think... xD).
But now my interests changed and my needs are
different too, and for my studies and carrier, I hope to become a psychologist,
specifically about the forensic area (at least for now) and work on something
related to that, although many people have told me that it is a little
dangerous because you work with criminals or people who do things beyond the
limits, it also takes patience and application of knowledge, I have not had any really close experience, I
have only listened and learned in class. I know I still have to experiment in
other areas of psychology like education or the social area to make the
decision that psychology to follow.
However, sometimes I think that I would like
to work in other things, for example in my favorite sport (figure skating) and
be a teacher, train more girls so they can enjoy this wonderful sport, and I
also enjoy the music, the figures, the colors, the emotions, the falls
(jajajajja), etc.
viernes, 28 de abril de 2017
What are you really into lately?
I think
that in the last time, many things have taken my time, for example my family,
my friends, my beautiful pet, etc. but especially the university and test, projects,
research, papers that I should read take up a lot of time, and sometimes is a
very stressful situation . However the music is something that really I love it
and is important in my day to day, when I listen to the music that I like, I
feel relaxed, calm and happy, when my day is bad, I try to fix it with joyful
and fun music, I'm continuously searching for new music to listen, because I
like to find new music (something new is always interesting) and have more
alternatives. Unfortunately I do not play any instrument U.u but I try whit the
piano and guitar and flute (but this last it was in the school and they did not
teach us nothing, so it doesn´t count) and it doesn´t give me results, I think
that try whit drums jajajaja.
I want to
attend some concerts in this year, so I'm looking for ways to make money and pay
my entry, for now I will continue listening to the music every day, and making
the world a better place (maybe…) :D
jueves, 20 de abril de 2017
Embarrassing moment!!!
Well, I think all people have embarrassing
moments in their life, but personally I don’t remember many of these moments, because
it is probably that the best solution is forgotten (but sometimes, this memories
are very funnies and when it's been a long time we can laugh about ourselves and
the situations in the past, but only sometimes).
I remember when in the school, I think in 7° or 8° grade I was in class and I needed go to the bathroom, so I waited for the break and when the bell rang I went to the bathroom but when I came out of the bathroom and walk down the hall to the classroom I felt that some persons looked me with face of joke or laughter and I was thinking inside of me “this is so weird”, “what happens?” and I tried looked around me, maybe something would happen and I didn't know, so one of my friends coming to me and she said me “you have completely open the zipper of the skirt” and I wanted to died, obviously I fixed immediately . It was a very embarrassing moment in my life, but now is fun xD.
I remember when in the school, I think in 7° or 8° grade I was in class and I needed go to the bathroom, so I waited for the break and when the bell rang I went to the bathroom but when I came out of the bathroom and walk down the hall to the classroom I felt that some persons looked me with face of joke or laughter and I was thinking inside of me “this is so weird”, “what happens?” and I tried looked around me, maybe something would happen and I didn't know, so one of my friends coming to me and she said me “you have completely open the zipper of the skirt” and I wanted to died, obviously I fixed immediately . It was a very embarrassing moment in my life, but now is fun xD.
jueves, 13 de abril de 2017
My best holiday!
I remember
that one of my best holiday was in the year 2015, because wiht my family (my
dad, my mom, and my three brothers), we traveled for some parts of the south of
Chile, and it was a amazing experience. We started in Talca, my uncles live
there and we ate "completos" very delicious and larges, we went to
swimming in the river, and it was funny. The next of our stops was Puerto
Varas, specifically "Saltos del Petrohue" (this is one of my
favorites places) and "Lago de todos los Santos", wonderful places,
the water, the green color of the trees, the flowers, etc. We also visited
Valdivia and see the "Jardin Botanico" at the University Austral and
we ate chocolates (I love it), we visited Osorno, La union, some towns like
"Curacautin" and "Lonquimay" (places of my roots because my
grandparents were born in this towns) and others. It was an adventure.
I think
that whit this travel I learned to appreciate my country, enjoy the beauties of
south of Chile, I want to know all my country!
jueves, 6 de abril de 2017
I would like to visit...
I have many countries that i would like to visit for example Francia, Brazil, Inglaterra, etc. but Colombia is a countrie that it calls my attencion. I like the culture of Colombia and the way that have to see the life, they are very cheerful and fun, i love the music of this cultures like "salsa" or "bachata", and i wold like to attend to celebrations or partys like "rumbas" jajajajaja. I like the tropical fruits and the food of colombia like "patacon" or "bandeja paisa", i think that the colombia gastronomy is very interesting. Also, we can find natural and beatiful landscapes wiht very diverses animals and flowers, for example the island "San Andres", this is a amazing place for enjoy, and "Cali" also known as "Cali Pachanguero" (for the partys) that is a city of Colombia and I would like to visit this two places principally. In generally for me Colombia is a place wiht colors, flavors, stories, rhythms and fun.
jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017
English Language
I think that english es important because it is necesary for works and studies, "it opens many doors" like says a sentence. However, it is not my favorite language, the truth is that it is very difficult for me to speak English, when i was a child in the school I didn`t like to make presentations in english or read in english (it was embarrassing for me jajajaja...) and I hated when we had the exam, but in secondary school, my english teacher made his class fun and interesting, and he said that english it was necessary, so I estarted to listen groups that sing in English and I looked the translation of the letter, and I liked, also see movies in english or things like this. Actually english language it`s not my favorite language but I don`t hate it, I love many bands in english and i have several friends that speak english (they sometimes make "bullying" for me jajajajaja 77), but it`s a good language, just need practice :D
(This is very funny!!! jajajajjajaja :S)
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